I recently upgraded my mobile phone from a five year old Nokia one that didn't even have a camera to the latest Apple iPhone. As you can imagine, it's like I'm now watching Tottenham Hotspur when for years I've been following Accrington Stanley. I'm truly astounded by my iPhone and after just a few days getting to grips with some of its many functions I can say that it really has changed my life. I can even write this blog using one of the applications I've downloaded!
One of these life changing functions is the 'White Noise' application. Since Joe was born he's always been a good sleeper, although we struggled at first to get him to take a daytime nap until I came up with the idea of leaving the hairdryer on in the room that he was sleeping. It's worked a treat, but I've always been conscious that this practice might be dangerous as I'm sure they aren't built to be left on for more than 20 minutes at a time. In fact, the worry that it might catch fire has caused me to lose sleep at night! Anyway, the White Noise app has solved the problem as I can now play white noise through the phone. Joe goes down within a few minutes of turning on the 'extreme rain pouring' setting. The 'crickets chirping', 'oscillating fan' and 'beach waves crashing' also do the job just as well, although for some reason he hasn't taken to the 'train ride track noise' - maybe there are leaves on the line.
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